Step 1:
Download the app, Log in & check ticket deals

Log in to your account using your mobile phone to see our range of mobile ticket deals.

Step 2:
Buy tickets

Select one or more tickets from the menu and choose your preferred payment method.

You can pay using debit or credit card.

Step 3:
Activate your ticket

When you're ready to use your ticket select the activate button.

Don't press this until you're ready to use your M-ticket as the countdown clock to the ticket expiry will begin as soon as this button is pressed.

Step 4:
Using your ticket

When you're ready to use your M-ticket simply present it to the driver or scan the QR Code against the on-board reader.

It is your responsibility to make sure your phone is charged up and provides clear readability of the ticket and your personal details including your uploaded photo.

Step 5:
Ticket expiry

When your M-ticket has expired a message will be displayed to alert you that the ticket is no longer valid for travel.