nBus Student Passes

nBus Student Bus Passes

You can now get nBus Student Bus passes on the Diamond Bus App!

nBus tickets are valid on all operators buses that are part of the nBus scheme within the West Midlands nBus Zone.

Student nBus tickets are available for those aged over 18 in full time education (over 12hrs per week) and students aged 16-18 who are not eligible for a West Midlands 16-18 Photocard. 

PLEASE NOTE: To gain access to these tickets you will need to be signed into a Diamond Bus Ticket account as you will need to prove that you are a full-time student to purchase these tickets.

You will be required upload a photo of a document that proves that you are in full-time education. This should be a letter from your university or college, or your college photo ID, showing your name, name of college and your academic year dates (an NUS ID Card is not acceptable).

Your Student ID will be verified* by our team within the next 7 working days. You will have access to your M-ticket during this time, however if your Student ID is invalid and you are not entitled to Student travel your M-ticket will be cancelled and withdrawn. This ticket is non refundable.

*All documents upload are subject to further validation and you, your college or university may be contacted for more information.


View nBus Student Passes:

nBus Student 4 Week

28 days unlimited travel on all operators bus services in the Network West Midlands area.


View nBus Student Passes